Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dislocating Ribs

So my sister and all of her friends want to know how one dislocates 4 ribs and doesn't know it... But, I don't know, or at least I'm not positive. I can guess how I did it, but I have no distinct memory.

So about a month ago I was laid up with a pretty bad kidney infection. And well, I thought the world was going to end! Seriously, I work at 2 jobs and go to school and stage manage a show, which is a full time job in itself and here I was being told to stay in bed for a week... It went over really well. But, plenty of people bullied me into following the doc's orders and I laid low for about a week. But then I was back on my feet and trying to function, but I still felt like I was being stabbed. So my director got me in to see her doctor and he said, you have 4 dislocated ribs. Wow!!! Any idea how you did it? I have no idea. I sit there thinking, "how could i not recognize serious pain like this??" Then it hit me! I have had chronic shoulder pain since I tore up my shoulder when I was 18. 2 operations later, it still kills, but I can deal with it. So I just assume that I didn't realize I was hurt because my shoulder blade right around those ribs hurts regularly anyhow.

All of that aside, the doctor told me that my ribs may have been dislocated for months without my noticing because it was not until there was swelling from a kidney infection that it really made a difference. So, I have 2 guesses as to how I may have dislocated my ribs. Guess #1 is Tequila Night! It was a wild night that Jessi and i had this last summer, but at one point I decided to lay down on the stairs at a friends house and consequentially slid to the landing. Yes, I know that it was a pretty dumb things to do, but it was a hell of a fun night, and totally worth it!! Guess #2 is that the dislocation occurred some time when I was in the presence of my older (not oldest) sister and I somehow let her become bored. If you know her then you might know that if she is in need of entertainment she might sit on you until you come up with something to amuse her... And well, being younger and smaller and the fact that I do not run...I have been caught, on many an occasion.

So there you are, the saga of the dislocated ribs...

1 comment:

kinetic said...

Wait, you STARTED a blog in order to convey this information?! I'm so much gladderer that I inquired, in that case! You do know that you could make up a more *theatrical* story for the benefit of others, though, right? Like if it was me I would insert "ninja-kicked" in place of "sat on"...I'm just sayin'...